Keep. It. Simple. That’s how SNF’s fundraising message always gets straight to the heart of the matter: Donations help to feed hungry children. 
But you know that the road to this goal is anything but simple! It’s a winding road, full of hills and valleys, unforeseen obstacles blocking the way, unexpected detours and uncharted territory. To navigate this road, school nutrition professionals need directions, green lights, route markers and even some roadside assistance. This is our metaphor for explaining how professional development gets everyone closer to the goal! And for many SNA members, the Foundation holds the key to that valued growth.
A wide range of growth opportunities can be yours, from taking a single course on leadership to attending your first School Nutrition Industry Conference (SNIC) to earning such letters as “SNS,” “MBA or even “PhD” after your name. Professional development comes in many forms, but the common denominator is learning that helps you 
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June 2019
do your job—feeding hungry children—better. Why donate to the Foundation? It’s simple: Giving = Feeding. 
And whether a cafeteria manager contributes $5 at a state conference or an industry partner contributes $25,000 for a named scholarship, every single dollar counts toward that goal.